One of the hardest things to do can be to truly surrender our ways and our thoughts to God. When we read the Bible and hear the message of Jesus, we suddenly realize that the way we think and the way we live our lives are very different from the scriptures. Teachings like "Love your enemies" or "Be kind to those who mistreat you" are the very opposite of how we operate in our daily lives. Often we find ourselves believing that we are our own and that we can do whatever we please because we've been going along our own way for so long. We find ourselves asking questions like "Why should I change?" 

Today, I ask "Why shouldn't you change?" Is the way that you are living, thinking, or acting really what you want? Are you truly experiencing the best that life has to offer? Do you desire more? Do you believe that live can be different? 

If any of these questions resonate with you, then perhaps you have realized that there is more to life than what you have been experiencing. God stands at the door knocking saying gently to us  "I have called you by your name; You are Mine." (Isaiah 43:1)

You are not our own. You belong to God. You are a royal priesthood. You are the Divine....created by the Almighty God. Surrender your ways, your thoughts, your plans, your desires to God. Allow him to give you a new heart and new spirit. Allow God to renew your mind and heart.

You belong to God. Give yourself away so that God can use you. Give yourself away so you can be free. 
There are times in our lives when all we can do is surrender. Life's problems and challenges often weigh on us so heavily that we loose ourselves in grief, sadness, and despair. The only way that I have found to move through these moments successfully is to surrender our hurt, pain, loneliness, sadness, grief, and despair to the only one who can help us. When we surrender to Jesus and allow him to comfort our wounded hearts, we can be assured that all of life's afflictions can be rolled away through the blood and the power of Jesus.

In fact, our surrender to Jesus looks much like the picture of Jesus on the cross. When we surrender and relinquish our needs, our desires, and our pain, we are rewarded by knowing that we can trust him.

Won't you surrender today? I don't know what you're going through today, but during this holy season, I know that the blood that Jesus shed on Calvary has more than enough power to heal you, deliver you, and set you free.

Rest in his power dear one and know that all is well with your soul.

Today allow your faith to sustain you if things seem hopeless. Remember that the love God has for you is never ending. 


Welcome to The Craft Center's Online Blog Magazine! We are so glad you joined us today!

Now, read an inspirational message from Synolve...
God's plans for our lives may be very different from our own plans. Milton and I certainly had different plans for our lives; however after earning degrees and working in corporate America, we felt a tender yearning to follow a different path. That path has lead us to The Craft Center and teaching others to follow God's plan. Perhaps, today you too are embarking on a new journey. You may feel tired, confused, excited, stressed, or just plan worried all in the same moment. These feeling are normal and natural. But following God's plan is not normal is it? Following God's plan often means tapping into the supernatural power of God and opening ourselves to God's grace and mercy to do all that we are called to do. As you press forward into the vision that God is calling you, remember that you are never alone and that his love is always with you.

The Craft Center is here to help as well. In the upcoming weeks not only will be be providing inspiration, but tools and tips to help you follow God's plan. Some of those tools include book and product reviews as well as videos and other material to help you live your life to the fullest God's way!

Be blessed today as you follow God's call. Know that all is well with you and that God is with you.

We Love You!

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